Why You Probably Need To Re-Write Your Thank You Page | SizzleForce

3 Things Every Thank You Page MUST Have

Thanks for your submission. We will contact you soon. 

Neon sign flashes “thank you” over and over.

You’ve probably seen THAT thank you page message a time or two before. And worse, it was probably laid out on a landing page that exhibited terrible website design

Did it make you feel like you had just made a huge mistake by filling out that contact form? That you have now been dumped into a large marketing email list? One that would inundate you with SPAM that, just like this thank you message, would be incredibly impersonal and poorly written? 

The truth is, thank you pages might be one of the biggest afterthoughts in the marketing biz. You got their email. You got their purchase. They made it through the conversion file. Why worry about it? 

Not only is this incredibly wrong, but it is also incredibly RUDE. And if you want to inspire customer loyalty, you need to make sure you aren’t making this mistake. 

Here are 3 ways to make your thank you page one that keeps your new customers coming back for more. 

Give them the content they requested, stat! 

Don’t make them open their email to find the content you promised them, if at all possible. Just give it to them! There is nothing more annoying than having to root through your Inbox after giving away your email address or getting “The Content you requested will be delivered to your Inbox shortly!” only to be met with…. crickets. 

This is one of the fastest ways to lose fans, folks. Go the extra mile and set up their content download on the thank you page, AS WELL as sending a confirmation email to their Inbox. If they ordered something, give them the details about the order and address FAQs. This kind of customer service will win you huge popularity points. 

Famous “you’re going to be popular” gif from the musical “Wicked.”

Include social sharing buttons. 

Perhaps you’ve just delivered valuable content. Or the customer has fallen in love with something you’re offering enough to cross the finish line (in other words, pull out their wallet). That’s some valuable momentum! Don’t let it go to waste. 

Invite your new customer to share your product or website with other people who might love it too! Social shares are a fantastic way to build your list of potential customers. 

Lady and the Tramp spaghetti scene emulates social sharing.

Lay out the next steps with a clear CTA. 

Your call to action doesn’t end at the thank you page. In fact, the thank you page is the perfect time to tell your customers what you would like them to do next! 

What additional content can you direct them to next? This could be anything from serving up related products they might enjoy (Amazon is very good at this) to offering additional value and information related to their purchase or opt-in. This could come in the form of directing them to recent blog posts, upcoming webinars, your email newsletter, and more. The idea is to make sure it’s relevant content that adds value to their customer experience! 

(Pssst…. The thank you page is a great place to throw in an extra discount or bonus offer!) 

That’s it; those are the three things you MUST have on your thank you page to ensure your customer journey doesn’t end up being… well… a dead end. 

It’s the little details (like thank you pages) that can make or break your marketing strategy. When you’ve got multiple strategies in place, it can be difficult to determine where you need improvement and that can make it hard to grow. That’s why we’ve designed this Quiz to help you determine how you can improve your marketing strategy!

In just 8 questions, you can start your journey to developing a better marketing plan for your business. So don’t hesitate, take our Quiz now!!

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