Content Writing Tips | SizzleForce

How to Thrill Your Audience and Attract New Clients in One Simple Step

Whether you run a business online or you’re just online to promote your business, content marketing and copywriting are part of your day-to-day life. Even if you don’t realize it. 

Don’t believe me?

Raise your hand if you’ve done one or more of the following in the last 24 hours:

  • Shared a product image on social media with some sort of caption
  • Responded to an inquiry via email or direct message
  • Sent an email alerting customers to a sale or item restock
  • Wrote a blog about why you are the best at what you do
  • Asked someone for feedback on your business or to leave a review

All of this (and more!) is considered content marketing or copywriting. And that’s a good thing!

Content marketing is one of the most important aspects of marketing in today’s Internet landscape, and HubSpot agrees with us. 

Content marketing allows us to find our red-hot center people, build trust with them, and show them how we can improve their lives without making promises we can’t keep. It lets us add some personality to battle the boring business blues. 

But we can’t do this successfully without adding a little structure to the mix. 

The secret weapon we funnel every single piece of content we produce through can improve your copywriting and content marketing skills dramatically. And today, we’re sharing it with you.

Ready for it?

Whenever possible, write in the active voice. 

I know, I know. . .You’re thinking, “Stephanie, I didn’t sign up for a grammar lesson.”

I beg to differ. No matter what you sell or who you’re selling it to, writing in the active voice attracts attention and gets things done.  

And like Pablo Picasso once advised, you need to learn the rules to break them. ?

So what exactly is active voice? Thinking of it as putting running shoes on your sentences. 

Before you lace them up though, you need to get your subject, verb, and object into agreement. That means everything in your sentence matches, whether it’s plural or singular, past or present. 

Here’s another way to break it down:

  • The subject can be a person
  • The verb is the action the person takes
  • The object is the item receiving the action

Some examples:


She writes the blog post.


She write the blog post.


They made a decision at last night’s meeting.


They make a decision at last night’s meeting.

See what I mean? All of your sentence parts need to match up to make sense. Now, here comes the fun part! (Humor me).

Writing in the active voice means the subject of your sentence performs the action, or verb, instead of the verb performing the action on the subject. 

That sounds like a whole lot of copywriter speak, so let’s use examples again:


The author wrote a book.


The book was written by the author.


Dogs chew squeaky toys.


Squeaky toys are chewed by dogs.

Notice how the active examples paint a better mental picture than their passive counterparts? That’s because the subject is out in front doing whatever needs to be done in the sentence. 

When you write in the active voice, your sentences become stronger and more direct. Plus, you reduce the chance of your readers becoming confused or–even worse–bored by what you have to say. 

Well, you know our secret to writing copy that sizzles and sells more stuff! I’m willing to bet you start noticing active and passive sentences in everything you read from now on. It’s kind of like a scavenger hunt, at least for our team here at SizzleForce Marketing. 

Speaking of our team, did you know that you can schedule a FREE 30-minute consultation with us? It’s true! We’ll help you with everything from SEO to Video Strategy. So don’t hesitate to schedule a call today!

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Leanne King

Digital Marketing Strategist & AI Content Specialist
Super Power: Transmutation: Turning Cool Ideas into Even Cooler Content

Sizzlin’ Fun Fact

Leanne is an actress as well as a writer, and one of her most cherished performances was getting an opportunity to play Captain Hook in a production of Peter Pan. Thanks to her theatrical training, she also does accents and can cry on cue (but would prefer not to, thanks). She’s also a D&D nerd to her core.


Let’s get this out of the way; Leanne is not a fan of writing about herself. She much prefers writing about others! With a background in theater and dialogue writing, Leanne has a special talent for capturing an audience’s attention while being hyper-aware of a brand’s voice. Good copy is, to her, a complex potion made of dialogue, poetry, visual art, psychology, and computer science. Luckily, these are some of her favorite subjects!

In addition to her love of storytelling, Leanne adores problem-solving. It is that problem-solving drive that makes her copy functional as well as entertaining. Whether it’s writing copy for your website, social media pages, a blog post, an email campaign, or a neat little lead magnet, Leanne excels at creating valuable content that draws eyeballs.

Every brand is a character with a unique personality: my job is to capture that personality, communicate its message and make people want more! Knowing that something I’ve written is helping a client while providing value to the readers is definitely the most satisfying part of my day!”


  • Generative AI
  • Copywriting
  • Strategic Planning
  • Social Media
  • Graphic Design

Achievements & Awards

  • Certified AI Marketing Strategy & Execution Specialist
  • B.F.A. Theater 
  • Copywriting Mastery Certification
  • Marketing Mastery Certification
  • SEO Certified